Monday, March 24, 2008

Boxers Get Around: What a weekend!

Well, we had quite a weekend! We really got around. We started off at Billy Bangs on Friday night. I had fun with my friends, Mara, Keith and Chuck. Then I went with my pal Mo to see Uncle Joe. He is 96 years old. I'm almost nine in human years. I went to this web site that has an age converter: It says I'm 49. I don't feel a day over 40 and people say I look much younger! I'm not like some gals that just let themselves go!

I should probably take it easy the though.


Brian Becker said...

Hey there,

I'm Loomis' owner - and you posted a reply to my question about him not liking to leave the front door or get into my Jeep...

Anyways - I live in Portland too! Pretty cool! My wife and I take Loomis to the dog park off of Woodstock and 62nd all the time!

Just wanted to say hi! Neat blog!


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